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Nabileque Holy Ground Protection Project 2022 - Plan

Writer's picture: JungH JooJungH Joo

Updated: May 12, 2022

A Plan to Build a Sustainable Foundation to Protect the Nabileque Holy Ground

OVERVIEW: The Origin of Heaven

Hotel Americano in Nabileque, Brazil is one of the most important Holy Grounds in the world.

“Finally we built the site that can become the Origin of Heaven. First it is the Original Holy Ground, secondly the Root Holy Ground and thirdly the Victory Holy Ground.” (7/27/1999, Prayer of the Original Holy Ground, Root Holy Ground, and Victory Holy Ground Consecration and Dedication Ceremony)

True Father had named the land three names: the Original Holy Ground where the original situation before the Fall was attained, Root Holy Ground where the spiritual foundation for a substantial Kingdom of Heaven was laid, and Victory Holy Ground where God was liberated by True Parents. This place is where Father had referred to as the very Origin of Heaven, and was where Lucifer had been liberated, being able to meet God after six thousand years.

Peter Paulo Alves Pinheiro, the main witness of Lucifer’s liberation at Hotel Americano, gave a testimony explaining the details of what had happened there.

Unfortunately, in early 2021, Hotel Americano was robbed and burned and is now currently reduced to rubble. (This linked article/video gives a report on the current state of Hotel Americano.)

This plan has been developed for the purpose of protecting, preserving, and reviving the Nabileque Holy Ground, which will be explained in several phases. This plan will be focused on making a sustainable economic foundation based on fishing ecotourism. While True Father planned to eventually build a "Water Palace" at Nabileque, the current plan will only cover the steps up to the building of a museum at the Holy Ground (or nearby).

Hotel Americano back when it was still flourishing and in use.

GOALS: Protect & Revive the Holy Ground

There are three main goals for this project: to protect the Holy Ground, to preserve the history and Heart in the Holy Ground, and to revive the Holy Ground.

Goal #1: Protect the Land

Hotel Americano had been burnt and robbed due to the lack of enough funds and people to manage and secure the land. To prevent from something similar happening again in the future, this plan proposes the steps to take in order to establish a sustainable economic foundation, and station people who can stay near or on the land to protect it.

Father speaks to members at Hotel Americano.

We aim to train twelve young FFWPU members who will be capable to operate the ecotourism business, and able to stay and protect the Holy Ground for future years to come.

Goal #2: Preserve the History and Heart

To preserve the deep history and Heart of True Parents in the Holy Ground, information about that history must be collected, archived, and then displayed visibly to members and the public to be cherished and inherited. We will promote the holy ground and its history to raise awareness, and plan to build a museum to exhibit the history and True Parents' Heart. We aim to bring 4,000 FFWPU members from around the world to the Holy Ground by 2027 and have all members to have visited by 2034.

Goal #3: Revive the Land

To bring back the life and excitement that this land had in the past, this plan aims to bring back the fishing workshops and events like True Father used to host. By 2027, we aim to establish an annual fishing workshop at Fuerte Olimpo. Young people and members will be able to come and inherit the spirit of True Parents.

Goal #4: Create a model for eco-tourism business

True Father instructed us to build a global tourism business. In particular, He instructed us to build a tourism station in 182 locations along the Amazon River and Paraguay River, to create a base to protect the nature of Pantanal. This project will build a successful model for an eco-tourism business using small boats.

Father gets everyone ready and excited to begin fishing.


In this proposed plan, there are three locations that we look to utilize: Fuerte Olimpo, Porto Murtinho, and Hotel Americano in Nabileque. These locations are located in the southern region of Pantanal.

The Pantanal

The Pantanal is the largest tropical wetland in the world, mostly a part of Brazil, but in total also spanning over parts of Paraguay and Bolivia. The water levels fluctuate frequently and the lands are flooded. The Pantanal ecosystem is home to more than 400 bird species, 260 fish species, and thousands of other wildlife species. The iconic wildlife includes caimans, jaguars, capybaras, and parrots.

The Paraguay River, which is a border between Brazil and Paraguay, runs through Pantanal.

A view of the Pantanal.

Fuerte Olimpo, Paraguay

Fuerte Olimpo, despite being a rather small city, has a vast exotic natural region around it. Fuerte Olimpo is a capital of a rural prefecture of Alto Paraguay and is situated by the Paraguay River. There are a few forms of tourism there, such as charter boats and hotels.

Fuerte Olimpo, with respect to FFWPU, is an extremely historical site as it was one of the places where Father spent much of His time in South America to train leaders and National Messiahs from all over the world. Not only that, but it is also currently the closest access point to get to Hotel Americano in Nabileque.

The Fuerte Olimpo church building, however, is currently in a poor state with cracked walls, missing windows, overgrowth of vegetation, etc. Near the church, there is also a ramp that True Father had directed the building of. The church and the ramp area are owned by FFWPU Paraguay.

Porto Murtinho, Brazil

Porto Murtinho is a small city on the Paraguay River on the Brazil side. It is located south of Nabileque, about 3 hours on a fast boat. Though small in size like Fuerte Olimpo, the tourism industry is much more active in Porto Murtinho. It has multiple hotels, fishing hotels, hotel boats, and various tourist attractions.

A nighttime view of Porto Murtinho.

Porto Murtinho is located right across Paraguay's Carmelo Peralta. Between the two cities, there is an islet called Isla Margarita. Both Porto Murtinho and Isla Margarita have economies reliant on mostly tourism.

There is an international project in South America that would be extremely beneficial to Porto Murtinho. This is the building of the Bioceanic Route, a plan to create a highway connecting the Pacific and the Atlantic, straight through South America, for which Porto Murtinho serves as an important location. An article (Paraguay Fluvial) even claimed that Porto Murtinho would become one of the largest logistics hub in the region.

Porto Murtinho is right in the middle of this route.

Hotel Americano, Nabileque, Brazil

Hotel Americano in Nabileque, as mentioned previously, had been the place where Lucifer had been liberated and was declared the Original Holy Ground, Root Holy Ground, and Victory Holy Ground. It was also the location Father wanted to build a Water Palace.

It was eventually robbed and burnt down in 2021. The reason for this was not simply because of the lack of funds and maintenance. It also lacked people to operate the hotel as a sustaining business.

(One more important note to consider is that the Nabileque property has been in legal court cases, and depending on when that ends, the use of the land there for our purposes may be limited. The rest of the region is generally a wilderness and can be described as isolated from the civilized world.)

Hotel Americano is located in a tributary of Paraguay River.


The primary focus of the plan is sustainability. The reason why the Hotel Americano was not protected was that there was no funding as well as human resources willing to settle in this remote location. By establishing a cash flow from a local business of ecotourism, we can financially support the people who can settle in the region, who can operate bigger businesses.

There are two main aspects to this plan, (1) Infrastructure and (2) Sustainability & Human Resources. The aspect of Infrastructure includes the various investments needed to complete the plan, including boats and structures. The aspect of Sustainability & Human Resources will cover actions and methods needed to be taken in order to create a sustainable economic foundation that generates the funds necessary for people to be able to continue to work for the project. Both of these aspects should be carried out in phases.

The plan will be implemented in 4 phases, to develop infrastructure and human resources while building a sustainable economic foundation.




Sustainability & HR


Start Eco-tourism Business and Holy Ground Pilgrimage

​OH304SA Good Go Repair

ST161 Good Go Engine

(Option) 2x 28ft Center Console Boat Repair

Start Fishing Charter & Pantanal Tourism

Start Holy Ground Pilgrimage

Train Tour Guides


​Clean Nabileque Holy Ground

Fuerte Olimpo Church Repair

Tool Shed @ Nabileque

Security House @ Fuerte Olimpo

Clean up volunteers for Fuerte Olimpo & Nabileque

Fuerte Olimpo Fishing Workshops


Build Supporting Infrastructure for the Tourism Business

Security House @ Nabileque

Boat Repair shop @ Porto Murtinho

(Option) Purchase adjacent land @ Nabileque

Start Boat Service business @ Porto Murtinho

Train boat service technicians


Build Museum at the Holy Ground

Design of Nabileque Museum

Construction of Museum




Start Ecotourism Business and Holy Ground Pilgrimage

Phase one is mainly about getting an initial flow of funds and people. We will be focusing on starting an ecotourism business and bringing people to the Pantanal and the Holy Ground on a small scale to generate the money to self-sufficiently fund the project so that its success doesn’t need to rely on just donations. We will also begin training young tour guides as well as inviting members to pilgrimage to the Nabileque Holy Ground to start raising and connecting members to the project.

True Father also wished us to start tourism businesses using small boats.

"In the future, what we need to do is to start a tourism business that uses small boats to fish and carry goods." (Development of the Oceanic Realm, 1994.8.1)

We will be focusing on fishing tourism, naturally meaning that we will be in need of attractive boats to utilize. Father often said that without a boat, nothing could be done, and one way he wanted these boats to be used was for tourism:

“Without a boat, no matter how good the environmental conditions are for providence, nothing can be done.” (Development of the Oceanic Realm, 1994.8.1)
“In order to develop the tourism industry, we will use the manufacturing technologies of small boats to eventually deploy small boats in major port towns around the world and hope to be able to guide tens of thousands of customers for sightseeing and fishing.” (Development of the Oceanic Realm, 1994.8.1)

Step 1.1: Restore the OH304SA Good Go

First, we will start by restoring the OH-304SA Good Go boat, which was one of the boats that True Father used for fishing in the Pantanal. For the last twenty years, OH-304 had been abandoned, therefore it was in a terrible state.


​OH-304SA (One Hope) was one of the boats that True Father used in Pantanal. OH-304 holds the immense history of Father out on the waters of the Pantanal. Father poured his heart into every boat he used, and OH-304 is no exception to this.

“It is like a marriage. If you are married for ten years and your wife gets old, do you try to get rid of her and get a new one? How would the New Hope feel if that happened? Would it be happy or sad? It would cry out! ... This says something to all of us. How are we different from the rest of the world? Through our heart. We are making a heartistic world which is quite different from what most other people are doing. If we are going to ride on the New Hope and on the One Hope boats, we must really love them.” (God’s Will and the Ocean, Chapter 9, 7/2/1984) The restored OH-304 will be put into use to start a tourism business at Pantanal and the protection of the Nabileque Holy Ground. It is attractive and small enough to travel through the waterways of the Pantanal, making it perfect to utilize.


​The estimated cost of restoration is about 58,000USD with two new outboard engines.


  • The restoration has been completed as of November of 2021. These links show a report and video of the boat restoration process.

  • There are a few additions like bathroom walls and trim tabs that must be installed.

  • As of March 2022, the boat is in the process of registration in Paraguay.

Step 1.2: Install Engines in ST161 and Donate it to Fuerte Olimpo Church

Acuamundo S.A. in Asuncion, Paraguay currently has an inventory of ST161 Good Go boat (without an engine) in their factory. In this step, an engine will be installed and the boat will be donated to the Fuerte Olimpo Church for future use.

ST161 is currently without an engine.


The Fuerte Olimpo church serves as an ideal location as a base and access point to the Nabileque Holy Ground (which itself cannot be as such because of its being burnt down and current legal situations). It can serve also as a place for future workshops to train youths. Fuerte Olimpo church currently has the potential to be a connection point for people and the Nabileque Holy Ground. We will cultivate a mutually beneficial relationship with the Fuerte Olimpo church community centering on the boat, the tourism business, and the workshops. The starting point will be the ST161. By having a boat for the church, they can also find a means to be self-sufficient economically.


​Suzuki DF60ATL Black: 9,500USD (Price March 2022)

Trailer: 1,500USD

Transportation to Fuerte Olimpo: 1,200km trip ~500USD (400USD for Diesel)


Total Estimate: 11,500USD


  • Purchase the engine and install it.

  • Find an appropriate trailer and purchase it.

  • Transport the boat to Fuerte Olimpo Church.

Step 1.3: (OPTION) Restore the Two Boats at Fuerte Olimpo Church

There are two abandoned 28ft Center Console boats at the Fuerte Olimpo Church. It is an option to repair the two boats to expand the tourism business.


There are two abandoned boats at Fuerte Olimpo church. We can consider repairing them to expand the fleet of boats we can use for the tourism business as well as for workshops.


The estimated cost of repair including new engines is 20,000USD per boat.

The engines inside the boats can possibly be repaired or sold for parts to offset the cost.

Some of the tires are missing from the trailers.

Transportation to Asuncion for repair per boat (9 trips x 600km) is about 2,250USD


The total estimated cost is 45,000USD


  • Evaluate the current status

  • Create a detailed budget

  • Repair the boats

  • Repair the trailers

Step 1.4: Begin Fishing Charter/Pantanal Tourism Business

In this step, Peter Paulo, who served True Father as a boat captain in the Pantanal, will begin a fishing charter and tourism business with OH-304SA centering first on Porto Murtinho.


This will be the first step toward a self-sufficient economic base. Because the Pantanal itself is full of fascinating nature and a variety of fish, the environment can be utilized fully to help generate funds to sustain this project long term.

Initially, the fishing and tourism business can start at Porto Murtinho, where there is already a booming fishing tourism industry. In addition, the city will become an important hub of transportation, and the tourism business will expand.

We can start the business by renting a small room in Porto Murtinho and advertise the boat to visiting tourists. Posters and pamphlets can be placed in hotels. A website can be set up to advertise in both Brazil and Paraguay.


​Marketing - establishing a website, advertisements, pamphlets/posters 1,000USD

Boat hull wrapping - vinyl sticker with graphics, logo, and boat name 1,200USD

Starting capital ~10,000USD - serves as equipment costs such as fishing and safety equipment, initial fuel costs, boat docking costs, traveling costs, maintenance costs, and living costs at Porto Murtinho


Total Estimated Cost: ~12,000USD

The boat OH304SA will be mainly used to start the tourism business.


  • Create a website

  • Design & install vinyl stickers on the boat

  • Find a living space in Porto Murtinho

  • Find a place to moor the boat in Porto Murtinho

  • Prepare fishing and safety equipment

  • Transport the boat to Porto Murtinho

  • Begin fishing tourism

Step 1.5: Train Local Second Generation Tour Guides

Once the tourism business is established, Peter Paulo will begin training local second-generation members by bringing them along on tours as mates. We look to have raised 12 full-fledged Pantanal tour guides by 2034.


As the business continues and grows, we need adept tour guides that can give tourists an exciting and rewarding experience. We will prioritize training local blessed children over others such that they can understand the providential meaning of the holy grounds and become people who are capable of inheriting this part of the project long-term. They should also be capable of guiding Unificationist members to the holy grounds as pilgrimage. Peter Paulo had received the instruction from True Father to train 12 tour guides, so this step will be working to eventually accomplish this.


​No estimated cost (utilize from profits of the business)


  • Work with local Brazilian and Paraguayan churches to make the value of the project clear

  • Select candidates

  • Train the candidates internally and externally to be the protectors of the holy ground

Step 1.6: Begin Pilgrimages to the Nabileque Holy Ground

With the use of boats, the pilgrimages to the Nabileque Holy Ground can begin. Utilizing an online portal site, FFWPU members from anywhere will be able to schedule a trip to visit the Holy Ground with Peter Paulo at Fuerte Olimpo, from where he will guide them up the Paraguay River to Nabileque Holy Ground.

Another image of Hotel Americano from the past.


​We look to build a way for FFWPU members to be able to visit and connect with the Holy Ground. We hope to create a steady flow of people interested in this project and the protection of the Holy Ground. The generated funds can be utilized eventually to rebuild the holy ground.

“This is the Holy Ground that can put things in good order from the beginning of history to the end. So, the members of the Unification Church should visit here once every four years, that is, ten or twelve times in 40 years. This is located at the end of earth, the very end of earth.” (7/27/1999, The Original Holy Ground, Root Holy Ground, and Victory Holy Ground Consecration and Dedication Ceremony)

A possible route is Asuncion to Fuerte Olimpo (Nabileque) by a plane. The visitor can stay at a hotel in Fuerte Olimpo or at the church.

The visitor can also go to Jardim and Salobra in Brazil, and Puerto Leda in Paraguay as part of their pilgrimage.


​No estimated cost (utilize from visitor fees/donation)


  • Determine the tour routes for the pilgrimage.

  • Build a portal website to schedule and explain the trips.


PHASE TWO: Clean Nabileque Holy Ground

In phase two, we will turn our focus to cleaning the Nabileque Holy Ground and the Fuerte Olimpo Church. In this phase, we will also be putting the Fuerte Olimpo Church to full use for fishing workshops and involving and connecting more FFWPU youth to this cleanup project.

Step 2.1 Repair the Fuerte Olimpo Church Building

In this step, the Fuerte Olimpo church building will be repaired. A minimum list of repair tasks of the church is as follows:







​True Parents' door (81 x 203 cm)

Women's Bathroom door (60 x 210 cm)

​Door itself


Door knob




​2x Dining Room windows (95 x 17.5 cm)

2x Storage/Bedroom windows (58 x 20.5 cm)

2x Pastor's Room windows (58.5 x 29 cm)

Main Workshop Room window (94 x 29.7 cm)






​Main Workshop Room concrete floor

Around 8 to 10 potholes / damaged spots



​Brick and Cement fence



We need to repair and improve the Fuerte Olimpo church so that it can be used as an access point to Nabileque and to utilize it for workshops. Fuerte Olimpo also holds an enormous amount of providential history and significance. This is the place where all the national messiahs were trained to inherit True Parents' victorious foundation in Pantanal.

We will also decorate the church with historical photos to show the visitors the significance of the location.


Estimated Total Repair: 500~1000USD Materials + 300USD Transportation/Food

History Photo/Presentation: ~200USD


Estimated Total: 1,500USD


  • Make a presentation about the history of Fuerte Olimpo and Nabileque

  • Make a video of the history of Fuerte Olimpo and Nabileque

  • Print and frame historical photos with captions

  • Purchase repair materials

  • Repair the church

  • Decorate the church with historical photos

Step 2.2: Build a Secure Tool Shed at Nabileque

The shed will be located right by the original location of Hotel Americano.


Since we are planning to clean up the Nabileque Holy Ground, it’s important that there is a tool shed there so we can have easy access to tools. The shed needs to be secure and flood-proof to prevent robbery and damage to the tools and materials.

The shed will be built in fiberglass of about 1.5m in width, 2m in length, and 1m in depth. This shed will be embedded partially in the ground such that it is concealed from robbers. The cover will be designed such that rainwater does not enter. During flood times, the box can float in place.


​Estimated Cost of Shed: 2,500USD

Estimated Cost of Basic Tools: 3,500USD

(The basic tools will include a portable 2,000W generator, shovels, saws, a chain saw, two electric trimmers)

Estimated Cost of Transportation & Installation: 500USD


Estimated Total Cost: 6,500USD


Design the shed

Build the shed

Transport & Install the shed

Purchase the tools

Transport the tools

Step 2.3: Build a Small Security House at Fuerte Olimpo

There is a ramp that True Father had ordered to be built in Fuerte Olimpo. It is located a few minutes from the Fuerte Olimpo church. The ramp and the adjacent land are owned by the church. We will propose building a security house by that ramp in order to have someone keep watch of our boats moored near the ramp.

The house is by the top of the ramp


​As we expand the tourism business as well as the pilgrimage activities, we will need to moor our boats in Fuerte Olimpo frequently, and the security of the boats needs to be ensured. We will build a security house where the captain or security can live and keep watch of the boats. In addition, we can keep fuel and equipment in this location for the boats.

Because this area can flood, the house must be erected on high pillars.


Estimated Total Cost: ​10,000~15,000USD


Design the security house

Buy and transport the materials

Build the security house

The house will be overlooking the river. It will be elevated for when floods happen.

Step 2.4: Organize Volunteer Cleanup of Fuerte Olimpo Church and Nabileque

In this step, we will gather and make groups of volunteer FFWPU members to come help with the clean up of both the Fuerte Olimpo and Nabileque properties.


The Nabileque's Hotel Americano is currently in ruins. Whether we rebuild or not, we must clean up the rubbles. In case we rebuild the hotel or build something new, we must also clear away the vegetation. We will organize local volunteers to do the cleanup work.


​Not estimated yet


Work with the local church to solicit for volunteers to clean up the Holy Ground

Organize clean up work

Step 2.5: Revive Fishing Workshops at Fuerte Olimpo

Once the Fuerte Olimpo Church is repaired and cleaned, we will begin hosting fishing workshops (led by Peter Paulo) for blessed children (at first from local communities, and eventually internationally) along the Paraguay River by Fuerte Olimpo. Eventually, we will establish a consistent and annual fishing workshop or tournament, similar to the National Ocean Challenge Program (NOCP) in Kodiak, Alaska, USA. We will also eventually host a 40-day fishing condition to inherit the victorious foundation of True Parents in the Pantanal.

Fishing workshops for National Messiahs were held multiple times at Nabileque


In 1998, True Father instructed the National Messiahs from 160 nations to come to Fuerte Olimpo to catch 160 fish per person as conditions to inherit the victorious foundation of True Parents. To truly restore and revive the Original Holy Ground, the younger generation needs to inherit that foundation from True Parents. This is why we will host a 40-day fishing workshop at Fuerte Olimpo where the youth in FFWPU.

“The Pantanal is a world of relations, based on swallowing the other as a whole. Nothing else matters if it is for some larger purpose. Therefore, the Pantanal spirit is in swallowing both the good and the bad and digesting it to exert influence for one's survival as one grows. Wasn't God's will also to swallow both the satanic world and the world of goodness?” (296-305, 1998.11.18) (The Pacific Rim Providence, Chapter 1, 2.2.2. The Pantanal Holy Ground)


​Not estimated yet.


Coordinate with the local churches and internationally to plan the workshops.



Build Supporting Infrastructure for the Tourism Business

In this phase, we will prepare a place to live in Nabileque for further development. Also, we will develop the Porto Murtinho location which holds immense potential because of the Bioceanic highway which connects the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean across the continent.

Step 3.1: Build a House in Nabileque


​Once the land is cleared and cleaned, and people come to visit the land more frequently, we will then build a house in Nabileque to advance on the plan to restore the Holy Ground. The security house can serve multiple purposes. It can serve as a security guardhouse as well as a place where a few people might be able to use to stay overnight.

This house may be constructed on pillars or as a houseboat, to adapt to floods.


​Not estimated yet.


Design the house

Build the house

Step 3.2: Buy (or Rent) Property in Porto Murtinho

In this step, we will buy or rent a property and prepare it before we can start tourism-related businesses at Porto Murtinho.


We will start businesses at Porto Murtinho in order to support the tourism business. In order to manage multiple boats, we will need a technician who can maintain and repair the boats. Hence we will open a boat service shop where boats can be maintained and repaired. In the future, we can develop this location to build and sell small boats. We can also expand the tourism services to include a hotel and a gift shop.

Ideally, the property should have a place to live and also have enough space to service boats.


​Not estimated yet.


Find potential locations in Porto Murtinho

Buy or rent a property

Step 3.3: (OPTION) Purchase Property Adjacent to Nabileque Holy Ground

Depending on the legal situation of the Nabileque property, there may be a need to purchase property adjacent to the Holy Ground.


It may be possible that it is not legally possible to build yet on the Nabileque property that True Father had purchased and where Hotel Americano. In such a case, land near the Holy Ground may be purchased to build a house or museum in the future.


Not estimated yet.


Investigate possible property on sale near Nabileque.

Step 3.4: Begin Boat Service and Repairs Business


​In order for our boats to be in use for long-term, we must have a boat repair shop that can help maintain and manage the boats to sustain the tourism business, pilgrimages, and workshops. This will also be another source of income and funds that can be used for this project. Because Porto Murtinho is a hub for boat tourism, there are many boats and boat owners that would be in need of such a business in the area, which can make it a successful business and source of funds for the project.


​Not estimated yet.


Make a business plan for the boat service & repair shop

Step 3.5: Train Boat Service Technicians

Once the boat repair shop is established and up and running, we will begin to train boat service technicians from the local (or interested international) FFWPU youth.


​We look to raise people who can continue to sustain the Pantanal tourism business and also create another opportunity for FFWPU youth to connect with this project to protect the Holy Ground as a technician to provide boat maintenance and repair services.


​Funded by the boat repair business.


Work with the local churches to find youths



Erecting a Museum

Once the first three phases have been accomplished, we can rely on an economic and human resource foundation to start on a larger scale project, we can finally consider erecting a museum in Nabileque that displays the history of True Parents in the Pantanal.


We will build a museum at Nabileque to preserve the history of True Parents and the Pantanal through physical and visible displays. This way, whenever people come to visit the Holy Ground, not only are they seeing the land and experiencing the nature of Pantanal, but they will also see what had happened there and can better understand its significance. It will act as another way to connect members and even non-members to True Parents’ Heart in the Pantanal.

With this, we hope that FFWPU members from all over the world will visit to see the history of True Parents in the Pantanal Holy Grounds.

"Millions of Unification Church families will come to this place so it will become a flourishing city. Venice, the city on water in Italy, will not be able to compare with it. This place will be built as a greater city than that." (08/08/1999 Original Holy Ground, Root Holy Ground, Victory Holy Ground Consecration and Dedication Ceremony)


​Not estimated yet.


Work with the Brazilian church to evaluate the feasibility

Design the museum

Raise funds to construct the museum

Construct the museum

True Father's plan for a museum in Nabileque

Restoring the Holy Ground by 2034

The Nabileque Holy Ground is a precious place where God and True Parents had shed their blood, sweat, and tears. It's the place where True Parents had shared many memories with elder members out on the waters and where the Origin, Root, and Victory had been established. However, the youth of FFWPU today don't have the chance to create these kinds of memories with True Parents, True Father, anymore. For the youth to inherit True Parents' Heart, this history and these memories must be passed on.

So that we don't lose these memories, the Heart and history of our True Parents and their foundation built in Nabileque, we will move forward with this plan with these three goals in mind:

  1. Protect the Holy Ground property: raise 12 FFWPU youths to carry the plan on by 2034.

  2. Preserve the Holy Ground's history: bring 4,000 FFWPU members to visit the land by 2027, and by 2034, all FFWPU members.

  3. Revive the Holy Ground's spirit: hold a 40-day fishing condition and set up an annual fishing workshop by 2027.

Our absolute deadline is the year 2034. In 1995, True Father declared the start of the second forty-year course as FFWPU at the Sao Paulo Declaration. We have twelve years left until 2034 arrives. We have to do all we can, especially so that we may be able to accomplish these goals within True Mother's lifetime.

By 2034, She will be 92 years old, and by then, we need to have let Her seen even a glimpse of the "Origin of Heaven" flourishing once again like in the past, and show Her that True Parents' memories and Heart there are being cherished by all.

“We are thankful for letting us love this place, take care of this place and consider this place like our body, allowing us to have the starting location where the whole nation's families begin as a reciprocal existence as God's body. Please help us to cherish the memory of this place for the rest of our lives and remember in our hearts the efforts of True Parents and God.” (7/27/1999, Prayer of the Original Holy Ground, Root Holy Ground, and Victory Holy Ground Consecration and Dedication Ceremony)

1 Comment

Charles Ray Kannal
Charles Ray Kannal
Feb 25, 2024

Thank you for dedication to the legacy and vision so dear to the Heart of True Parents ❤️ Obrigado pela dedicação ao legado e visão tão preciosos no Coração dos Verdadeiros Pais ❤️

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